Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Goals - 5 AM Intentions

To be honest, I'm composing these goals only just now. I've thought about some of them for months. Some of them I'm innovating in the moment. Putting them down 'on paper' (printing this post) will help keep me accountable to the world and myself, and will clear up some brain real estate so I can focus on growing. And I must be honest With and For myself. So, though I want to write here, "I apologize in advance if any of my goals gross you out or offend you", I'm not going to, because these 5 AM sessions are for me first. Plus I have to put everything out there, for my own good.

5 AM Intentions
Rise at 5am. 
Drink a glass of water.
Brush my teeth.
Fix a cup of tea.
Read the Bible/have a devotion for at least 15 minutes.
Read personal development for at least 15 minutes.
Blog at 5 A.M. Sessions.
Exercise 5x/week (goal is each weekday, 6x/week is great if the opportunity arises).

Hitting snooze for 5 min is not only not going to make a difference but will wake my husband twice.
Already have the water goal as routine.
Brushing my teeth in the morning is not a current habit. I know it's a bad habit to skip it, but at my husband's recent learning of this abhorrent bad habit and his totally grossed out, shocked reaction, I'm  changing it.
Almost always herbal (no caffeine). Once in awhile coffee. The health coach in me must share: a little raw honey in my tea, and in the coffee would be coconut milk and either stevia or organic, natural cane sugar or organic caramel syrup I found recently.
Must work on my relationship with Christ foremost. So hard to let this go when the rest of life overwhelms. Must set aside the space and time first thing...then it can't get overrun.
Reading personal development (PD) at the start of day also doesn't let me skip it when I'm busy, because I'm facing it - EVERY DAY IS BUSY, whether it's actual busyness or simply LIFE.
Blogging my goals and PD will help reinforce what I'm taking in and will record the highlights of what is striking me.
Blogging my devotional time and any elements from my personal life I want to remember will help reinforce that growth, memories, and will start keeping a record of some of the awesome stuff that happens in this home and life.
I prefer exercising before I eat a meal. I prefer exercising in the morning. I would love to do this before my toddler wakes up for the day. If I don't exercise (at the gym or at home) before he wakes, then I must during one of the 2 [current] nap times at home or take him to the gym daycare in the morning.


  1. That's awesome Erin... thanks for sharing! And happy new year!! I hope it's a great one filled with love, laughter, and success!!

    1. Thanks, Melissa! Great to hear from you! Happy New Year :)
