Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Talk Nice to Yourself" ...I'm talking to myself?

I'm getting back into reading The Law of Attraction Made Simple by Jonathan Manske. It's been awhile since I picked it up. The chapters are short and digestible, and there are feasible action steps at the end of each chapter you can put into practice in your life (and business).

For a couple months now, the theme has been coming to me how much I do not listen to myself and do not really know the answers to questions about who I am, what I want, what am I doing, what are my big dreams, etc. There is a lot of self-exploration that has to happen there. I'm so consumed with daily life, tasks, responsibilities, and menial accomplishing of to-dos that I don't spend any time on me. Helping myself grow and develop as an individual, a woman, a child of God, a business owner. I've been intending to recommit to personal development time in the mornings before anyone wakes up, but I've been very bad about going to bed at a decent hour. On top of that, I'm pregnant, and with the tiredness that comes with that, getting an extra hour of sleep to make it to 6 hours or so trumps all logical choices to forego precious sleep while growing a baby and chasing a toddler.

The chapter that opened next in this book, after picking it up after months and months, was "Talk Nice to Yourself". I don't pay attention to the way I talk to myself. It's hard for me to comprehend knowing what I say to myself. I know my mind is chattering all the time, thinking about different topics or things to get done. But when I stop and think, "Okay, now what was I just thinking about?" I can probably recall the topic, but how I was saying it? The words I was using in my head? Nope, I don't think so.

I learned about an exercise recently called a Thought Catcher, where you take a sheet of paper, a new one each day for a week, and you write down things you say to yourself throughout the day. If you repeat certain thoughts, you put a tick mark next to the first time you wrote it. After a day, and a week of doing this, you'll see the themes that run through your brain and that you tell yourself. The purpose is so you can write positive affirmations for yourself to change your self-talk in those specific areas. Sounds like an effective and worthwhile exercise to me, but I just can't seem to identify specific things that I 'say to myself'!

I've felt led recently to incorporate short times of meditation and prayer into my day. I forgot to do that this morning as part of my PD time. Will try it. Quieting my mind and allowing quiet - even before the tasks of accomplishing PD first thing in the morning - will likely help me be more in-tune in this area.

Despite alllllll the things I want to change and grow in and improve for myself, I love and accept myself unconditionally exactly where I am. XO

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